Monday, January 10, 2011

manulife - waiver of underwriting to replace existing manuterm

we have just received this piece of good news from manulife:

Dear Business Partners,

Please disseminate this email to all your advisors

Waiver Of Underwriting to replace existing Manuterm

Manuterm was re-launched in December 2010. Other than the competitive premium rates, it also comes with unique features such as Quit Smoking Incentives and Preferred Rates.

Now, we offer your client with an existing Manuterm plan an opportunity to replaced it with the new Manuterm plan, without underwriting!

Take some time to review your customer's existing Manuterm, If they are better off with the new plan, assist them with the replacement today!

Please refer to the below information about the Manuterm replacement.

(1) Guidelines:

The guidelines in the attaching document apply if the Policy Owner wishes to replace his or her existing Manuterm Policy with a new Manuterm Policy without underwriting. If the new Manuterm Policy does not satisfy the conditions stated in the Guidelines, the Policy Owner can still apply for the new policy to replace the existing policy but the normal application requirements, including underwriting, would then apply:

(2) Manuterm Form :

Blank Form (to be used for actual submission)

The attaching form ("Manuterm Form") is to be used for submission if waiver of underwriting is desired - subject to the guidelines given above:

(3) Sample - For your reference:

Form With Sample Case (for reference only):
The attaching Manuterm Form provides a sample of how the information on the existing Manuterm Policy is to be filled.


Ian Lau
Business Development Manager
Partnership Distribution - FA Channel
Manulife (Singapore) Pte Ltd Reg No. 198002116D
Tel: (65) 6883-6072 Fax: (65) 6333-8598

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