just received this email notification from ntuc-income:
Dear Valued Business Partners,
We are pleased to announce the launch of our limited-tranche non-participating 2-years single premium non-participating plan, Capital Plus (CPN29).
*_Brief outline of the plan:_*
Ø2-years single premium non-participating plan
ØGuaranteed interest of 1.40%p.a.
ØProvides TPD before age 65 years old (last birthday) and Death coverage
ØEntry age of 16 to 80 years old (last birthday)
ØMinimum single premium of $10,000 up to a maximum of S$1,000,000
ØSimplified underwriting
·Sum Assured = 105% of Single Premium
·Sum Assured = 100% of Single Premium (if claim occurs within the 1^st policy year)
Please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions for more details.
As this is a limited tranche product, applications to the plan is on a *_first-come-first-served basis_*. The product will be withdrawn upon attainment of tranche size. Any excess premium received above the tranche size will be refunded accordingly to customers. As per previous tranches, we expect possibility of short withdrawal notice. We seek your kind understanding in this.
We look forward to your continuing support.
Thank you very much.
Brought to you by
Financial Advisers, Sales Division
FA Hotline: (65) 9746 2663
my comments:
yet another launch of capital plus which is a single premium non-participating endowment product from ntuc-income.
but this time, the launch comes with a twist because the last day for acceptance of subscriptions is this thursday, march 15, 2012 with no extensions entertained.
Another scam product!!!!!!