Friday, March 2, 2012

nasty find in sardine puff

32 year old sandra jana started her wednesday morning like most other working adults, stopping by a popular food outlet at the singapore post centre to purchase their signature sardine puffs before heading to work.

after her first bite, she discovered what looked like a dark brown insect embedded among the filling.

on this, sandra's sister maggie aged 25 said: "She saw something that looked like a shrimp in the curry puff," who spoke about the incident to Yahoo! Singapore.

maggie added; "But she looked closer inside and realised it was something that looked like a cockroach."

my comments:

wow, an extra ingridient at no extra charge. but seriously, this is not something to laugh over because if consumed, the question that comes to mind; what will be the effect to one's health?

even though the standard of hygiene in our tiny red dot nation is well enforced by the national environment agency and other authorities, can we afford to be complacent when consuming food and drinks outside our homes.

my senior pastor joseph prince (new creation church) once recounted during a sermon of a similar episode when in the midst of consuming a packet of nasi lemak and noticed a piece of ikan bilis (anchovy) that looked rather different. on closer examination (thank God for his protection), it turned out to be a rusty nail.

and who can forget the very distrubing and sad news when 2 persons succumbed to food poisoning resulting in their most untimely demise from consuming indian rojak in 2009.

what i'm trying to point out is that life is ever so chock-full of uncertainties and that's why i have a soul consuming passion and mission to convert skeptics to implement financial planning for themselves and their families. i have come a long way since my intro to the financial industry some 15 years ago and i'm even more committed to my role than my first day with promiseland independent, the company that i grew up with.

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